“While increasing the efficiency of existing transportation, trash collection, energy, and other systems is the oft-stated [Smart Cities] Holy Grail, the logic underlying such systems remains fundamentally unquestioned. Should cities be seeking more efficient trash collection or to eliminate waste as a concept? Should cities invest in technologies to improve traffic volume efficiencies or in ways to bring production, consumption, and residential life into closer proximity? Absent reassessment of the roots of these issues, [Smart Cities] ironically bring a conservative rather than innovative approach to urban management.”

Quote from Professor Robert Young “From Smart Cities to Wise Cities,” 

Interesting critique if smart city strategy. 

Smart Cities may merely “help good cities do dumb things faster.” Young instead advocates for “Wise Cities,” which are informed by a variety of disciplines and historical precedents to foster a high functioning, low-maintenance urban form that is accessible to all segments of the population.