Digital Insurance: Technologies and Strategies Driving Insurance into the Connected Age
"First movers are not predicting what will blow up next. They see trends starting in their incubation phase a slowly invest in them over...
"First movers are not predicting what will blow up next. They see trends starting in their incubation phase a slowly invest in them over...
"The point is that Netflix disrupted itself and that's what the insurance industry needs to do as well."
ITC 2019 Keynote message...
Valuable insights from Maarten Ectors Chief Innovation Officer at L&G. Why?
He is a disrupter himself from outside financial...
If the connected home be a person's digital castle then Amazon's ambitions should startle every digitally transforming innovator.
When law firms launch non-legal contracts for technologists to works alongside lawyers in delivering services to clients you know digital...
"Analysis by market data and research firm Timetric a couple of years ago predicted that “new technological innovations coupled with the...
In May 2017 The Economist proclaimed "The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil" yet data analytics remains a neglected...
We are seeing that social / digital is making an impact on business.
I'm not talking about the move to Cloud / SaaS and the systems change...
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