Sign of the Analytics Times?
estimates that toggling between applications can take up as much as 1 to 2 hours of an employee’s time each week. On the...
estimates that toggling between applications can take up as much as 1 to 2 hours of an employee’s time each week. On the...
The report released today by The CII, Konsileo and PKF considers the future of broking.
The conclusion is similar to that of other...
Interesting analysis below- a significant chunk of national output is just not measured. £100bn by pioneering research.
If true it raises...
Everyone's talking, Insurtech events are bursting with attendees. VC's invest unabated in start-ups with many such making the headlines...
Just read this from Alex Mead on LinkedIn.
Great advice
Just saw a powerful old video clip of Steve Jobs answering a tough panel question from an Apple strategy detractor. His response was...…
Embedded Analytics makes an ISV or SaaS application stickier. Embedding analytics in an enterprises apps increases user adoption and...
Executives want to keep their jobs and in order to do so they need two things: headcount and budget. Automation can be seen to threaten...
“Insurers want the best risk pools, the cheapest operations in the background, and the best products to market to customers,” Karen Monks...
Improving Customer Experience will result in higher Net Promoter Scores (NPS). Start with the customer and outdo best practitioners...
Probably the tip of the iceberg. BUT- Before jumping into AI and machine learning look at how much data is in silos or just not...
Insurance Legacy Systems
do not support digital world initiatives nor offer the agility to implement the Amazon style customer experience...
Mapping a digital transformation strategy? Good framework to apply in linked article below.
Cloud Services key to achieving this-...
The consumer first and foremost but then who? The insurer that can extract the information to plan and price products and incorporate in...
A graphic illustration of pace of change, fear of being left behind and "Digital Disrupters" being potentially disrupted themselves.
HR noted for being technology averse laggards and now this report points the spotlight at Health & Safety across enterprises and...
" ...people are already becoming bored with digitalisation, opting to try “digital detoxes”.
Renaud Million, CEO of Spixxi,
Wise to note...
The pressure is on to give customers the user experience of Amazon, Uber, Hilton etc whilst constrained by the complexity and...
Allianz SE expects digitization will help it generate €1 billion of yearly productivity gains in its current three-year plan. So...
The trap of simply trying to improve existing processes.
"Instead of working on separate initiatives inside organizational units,...
Allianz announced this recently; see
"Allianz harvesting the Digital Dividend"
As the article below shows this extends far beyond just the...
Whether in or out of EU ( and we're in for at least two more years), GDPR comes into effect May 2018 and effects all UK businesses.
Bain & Company Report shows the multi-billion opportunity and the areas in which impact can be achieved today with digital platforms.
"Businesses that invest in the digital tools required to empower customers and their growing desire for more autonomy will thrive"
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