The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions
Amara's Law- "Overestimating the short-term and under-estimating the long-term impact" is not unusual. Take GPS
Starting in...
Amara's Law- "Overestimating the short-term and under-estimating the long-term impact" is not unusual. Take GPS
Starting in...
Not magic- reading about the SpiNNaker supercomputer today just reinforced this.
"Even with a million processors we can only...
Hand raisers and freelance workers (aka gig workers) are a growing force. According to a recent survey, Freelancing in America: 2017, from
Good analogy here between medical professionals and those in industry, finance, commerce and government.
Tools, such as AI, free people to...
Timely article from BCG finds Financial Services enterprises resisting the strategy to become tech companies. BCG believes they will...
Vision, strategy, digital technology and implementation showing effective digital transformation of Life & Protection.
WHY? Data driven decision creates an upside of from 6% to 9% of an insurer’s combined ratio - Source BCG Studies.
Which insurer can...
If you treat AI as a must-have technology you are doomed to waste time and money. This is a strategic error for many insurers chasing the...
Uber's latest approach is teaching us about the value of being unconventional.
Using data and analytics to spot and identify a demand gap...
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