Weak necks and Insurtech

"We have the weakest necks in  Europe" reported quote by Amanda Blanc CEO Axa in Sunday Times May 21st referring to Britain's...

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Robo-Advisors or Human Advisors

In fact both should fit into insurers and other sector's digital transformation plans.

Robo-advisors a good fit for 31% insurance...

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IT Trend Radar 2017

"Digitalisation is omnipresent, is changing people and markets in the long term at an ever-increasing speed. Absolute requirements are...

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AXA, Innovation & Insurance

Thomas Buberl, CEO of AXA, on his strategic goals and vision to be a "leader in insurance innovation".

CEOs are a critical success factor...

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Expert view: Increase customer claims satisfaction with self-service

Insurtech company 360Globalnet looks at how to increase customer claims satisfaction

Wonderful, short video- follow the link below:-

The first in a series of three videos from 360Globalnet; ‘The Customer Experience’ explores the big role Customer self-service will play...…

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The Elephant in the Insurer's Room

Insurtech start-ups and their investors paint a simplistic picture of digital transformation. It's one thing to launch a single, simple...

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